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- 1,20 € – 21,40 € *
alexander tillegreen (b. 1991, copenhagen, denmark) is a musician, composer, and visual artist. within the frame of subjective sonic perception, he works with compositional music, sculpture, graphics, painting, video, multi-channel sound installations, as well as a/v performances and interactive listening sessions.
tillegreen’s music and sound works are very physical, moving between the sensorial mesmerizing and playfully challenging and further towards the tranquil, evocative, and introspective. often using voice and speech as material, different connotations and narratives appear and are combined with psychoacoustics into an arabesque of escalating streams, massive blocks of bass, heavy granular synth sequences, and disorientating polyrhythmic patterns.
tillegreen is a master of fine arts graduate of the städelschule academy of fine art in frankfurt, and cooper union school of art in new york. he also studied art history and sound studies at the university of copenhagen. his work has been subject to numerous international solo and group exhibitions, commissions, and performances at art institutions and festivals such as museum tinguely in basel, the national gallery of denmark and o-overgaden institute for contemporary art in copenhagen, museum für moderne kunst in frankfurt, and internationale ferienkurse für neue musik in darmstadt.
since 2019, tillegreen has conducted interdisciplinary artistic research at the max planck institute for empirical aesthetics in frankfurt. this research centers on aspects of attention, voice, gender, identity, embodied co-creation, and language perception in relation to the phantom word illusion – a language-based psychoacoustic phenomenon, discovered by diana deutsch, that triggers the illusory sensation of hearing inner streams of words that are not necessarily acoustically present. tillegreen regularly presents his research at conferences, university lectures, and in publications.
* all prices incl. vat