mieko suzuki

mieko suzuki is a sound artist, composer and DJ born in hiroshima and based in berlin. she deals with time and space as her primal matter. in highly unconventional sound performances, for which she uses drones and field recordings, the crackling of electrical circuits and fragments of vinyl records, mieko suzuki always goes for the unexpected. she couples the raw power of sound with the tenderness of subtle modulations and turns any space into a playground for sonic adventures.
choreographer meg stuart, theater director johan simons and avantgarde techno label raster are among her regular creative collaborators. mieko suzuki’s signature take on sound creates equal effect in a basement club, a theater play or a dance performance as well as in the context of visual arts and haute couture.
mieko suzuki is a member of the improvisation trio contagious together with andrea neumann and sabine erkelenz. their first album »contagious« was released from morphine records in 2019.
since 2009, mieko suzuki has been running her own bi-monthly, multidisciplinary event kookoo, together with arno raffeiner at OHM gallery in berlin.