milian mori

milian mori is a composer and digital artist based in switzerland. as part of his solo work he integrates dance, algorithms, pixels, and club music. in the last 12 years mori has developed a musical language that aims to expand, project and reinterpret dance music’s common vocabulary.
mori shares his deep interest in combining mathematics, geometry and data with emotion, dance and fulfillment: technology meets nature, binary meets fluids, algorithm meets spirituality, dualism meets triality, machine meets human, randomness meets self similarity. all of his works are trying to open the space which exceeds dualism. his art doesn’t want to answer, nor does it aim to question.
his debut album »as you were listening«, released via raster, captures the spirit of his previous works as well as establishes a new vision in which he endeavours to fuse pop culture with the art world. in »as you were listening« he’s using the distinct language of dub techno whilst attempting to expand the genre’s vocabulary with new changes, elements and aesthetics.
mori has been involved in numerous collaborations and a wide array of arts projects, as well as working as a composer, diy installation artist, sound designer, recording and sound engineer.