grischa lichtenberger
works for last work

1,20 119,80  *

ThumbnailtracksformatTrack LengthPrice 
0515_15_beginning 2_sk1mp305:481,20  *
0515_14_duo cs_flmp302:181,20  *
0515_14_lv_3d_fl_2mp303:061,20  *
1011_11104_v_re_61011s1bmp304:081,20  *
0315_11_bat_shost_1_btmp308:301,20  *
0415_01_perepdotchka long tn ms rearg bmp302:001,20  *
0315_23_dancers voices_mel_1_re eqmp304:021,20  *
0712_24_lv_!_sc_!mp305:501,20  *
0116_19_lv_1_psresmp304:001,20  *
0611_26_lv_1_cmp303:241,20  *
full albummp343:0610,00  *
0515_15_beginning 2_sk1wav05:481,70  *
0515_14_duo cs_flwav02:181,70  *
0515_14_lv_3d_fl_2wav03:061,70  *
1011_11104_v_re_61011s1bwav04:081,70  *
0315_11_bat_shost_1_btwav08:301,70  *
0415_01_perepdotchka long tn ms rearg bwav02:001,70  *
0315_23_dancers voices_mel_1_re eqwav04:021,70  *
0712_24_lv_!_sc_!wav05:501,70  *
0116_19_lv_1_psreswav04:001,70  *
0611_26_lv_1_cwav03:241,70  *
full albumwav43:0612,00  *
full albumprint119,80  *


raster is thrilled to announce the release of »works for last work«, an exceptional sonic and visual testament of lichtenberger’s work on batsheva dance company’s critically acclaimed piece »last work«, choreographed by ohad naharin. in addition to the originally composed music featured in the piece, the album offers an exclusive collection of sketches and tracks made during this collaborative period. this new release is available digitally and as a limited edition of a collection of silkscreen prints.

lichtenberger’s »works for last work« takes the listener on a journey through the soundscape of naharin’s masterpiece, a piece that delves deep into themes of death, rebirth, and regeneration. the album features a blend of ambient, experimental, and electronic music, creating a concentrated and intimate sonic universe that perfectly encapsulates the mood and energy of the dance.

the digital version of »works for last work« is available for purchase on the raster website, bandcamp and streaming platforms. for collectors and audiophiles, the release also features a limited edition print version, which includes eight hand-made, three-colored silkscreen prints by lichtenberger, abstractly portraying enigmatic scenes of the dance piece..

»works for last work« is an exceptional addition to grischa lichtenberger’s already impressive body of work. it serves as a testament to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and highlights the unique relationship between music and dance…


#1 adi & hsin-yi 1 (25,4×20,4cm)

#2 rachael and ian 1 (25,4×20,4cm)

#3 bret (25,4×20,4cm)

#4 nitzan (25,4×20,4cm)

#5 adi & hsin-yi 2 (25,4×20,4cm)

#6 olivia (25,4×20,4cm)

#7 rachael and ian 2 (25,4×20,4cm)

#8 rani (25,4×20,4cm)

Weight N/A

full album, 0116_19_lv_1_psres, 0315_11_bat_shost_1_bt, 0315_23_dancers voices_mel_1_re eq, 0415_01_perepdotchka long tn ms rearg b, 0515_14_duo cs_fl, 0515_14_lv_3d_fl_2, 0515_15_beginning 2_sk1, 0611_26_lv_1_c, 0712_24_lv_!_sc_!, 1011_11104_v_re_61011s1b, print edition


mp3, print, wav

grischa lichtenberger (born 1983) is an electronic music producer, visual and installation artist living in berlin. grown up in a withdrawn farmhouse near bielefeld (westphalia), his artistic approach developed from surveying the landscape as reference for the condition of art production itself. landscape, in this sense, is understood not only as the picturesque or sublime recreational facility of nature, but as…

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