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in ancient greek mythology, zeus was the king of the olympian gods and the supreme deity. zeus was the god of the sky, lightning, thunder (Κεραυνóς / ΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ), law, order, and justice. the cyclopes were three, orb-eyed, immortal giants who forged the thunderbolts of zeus. the lawless titans, encouraged by gaia (Γαῖα/Γη/earth), tried to wrestle control of the world from the olympian gods in a ten-year battle known as the titanomachy. the titans were the brothers and sisters of cronus and it was only through the help of the cyclopes (who made zeus his thunderbolts) and the hundred-handed giants or hecatoncheires (briareos, cottus and gyges) that zeus was finally able to imprison the titans in tartarus, the deepest part of the underworld. making himself ruler of the skies, zeus then gave dominion over the seas to poseidon and of the underworld to hades.
KEΡΑΥΝΟΣ was one of the most powerful symbols in ancient greece – if not the most powerful. as contemporary science proved, the thunder that dominated the earth before the creation of life gave birth to the primordial substances by enhancing the production of nitrogen and thus amino acids which are essential for the production of proteins and life. in numerous civilisations they believed that the overlord of thunder was a deity.
in celtic mythology, taranis was the god of thunder. in slavic mythology it was perun and in scandinavian it was thor. in india, the god of thunder was indra and in finland it was ukko. in china, lei gong was worshipped as the deity of thunders and in rome the people who died because of a thunder were considered as blessed. inkas believed that thunder was the son of the sun and the moon and in christianity thunder is the voice of god.
the music of » ΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ « was composed by using environmental sounds and field recordings from the five continents:
OCEANIA | tarkine rainforest
ASIA | okinawa
EUROPE | ancient olympia and iceland
AFRICA | uganda, botswana and namibia
AMERICA | amazon rainforest and niagara falls
» ΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ « will be released on occasion of our 25th anniversary in 2021.
Weight | 100 kg |
tracks | full album, africa, america, asia, cd, europe, oceania |
format | cd, mp3, wav |

ancient olympia-based artist thanasis kaproulias, working under the moniker novi_sad, is as much engaged by nature and the rudimentary sounds that are borne of remote environments as he is by the act of representing them. with an accomplished technical ability as well as a sensitivity for the nuances of his considered locations, novi_sad carefully recontextualises the scenery. the artist engages…